Friday 22 September 2017

Private online testing for Chlamydia – Safe and secure

According to the NHS, over 200,000 people in the UK show positive results from chlamydia testing in a typical year – with almost two-thirds of this number accounted for by young people aged between 16 and 24 years of age. This is obviously a worrying statistic, but what is perhaps even more disquieting is just how many sexually active individuals may be carrying the disease without realising it. The symptoms of chlamydia, unlike many STIs, are largely silent, and permanent damage could be done to your body if you carry the infection and do not have it treated. Is it really worth taking such a risk, when chlamydia testing is so readily available?

If you are concerned that you may be carrying this particular STI, symptoms for any male to be aware of include swollen genitals, difficulty passing water without pain thanks to a burning sensation and a translucent penile discharge. Women, meanwhile, should also be vigilant about acknowledging any heavier period bleeding (or surprising bleeds between menstrual cycles), though they too may experience painful, burning urination.

In many cases, however, chlamydia does not make itself known through symptoms. A bacterial infection, chlamydia silently and effectively lays within the throat, cervix, vagina, urethra or anus, ensuring that any form of unprotected sexual contact – between any combinations of partners, regardless of gender – ensure that it can easily be passed on. Chlamydia can cause infertility if left untreated in a female patient, which is just another reason why it is hugely important to stay on top of testing for this infection.

Many chemists offer free chlamydia testing to under-25s, while anybody over this age can book themselves in for a test at their convenience. Sadly, not enough people are taking advantage of these opportunities, possibly due to the scope for embarrassment. The idea of being spotted undertaking an STI test by a friend, family member or – worst of all – a former or current sexual partner is enough to deter a great many individuals, which leave the potential for chlamydia to continue to spread. A GUM clinic could be a safer option (after all, if anybody discovers you in such a location it means they are in the same boat!), but this still involves a great deal of time being taken.

Enter TESTD™, who offers a unique approach to chlamydia testing. If you are exhibiting any of the symptoms, or wish to begin engaging in unprotected sex with a new partner, TESTDTM provides testing kits that can be conducted from the privacy of your own home for the low cost of £24.

Upon making the purchase of a TESTDTM chlamydia testing kit, you will receive a subtle package in the post that contains everything that you will need. The test will require a urine sample, which can be returned to TESTDTM in a free post envelope that you’ll find in your kit. Once received, your sample will be analysed by a team of professionals in a laboratory, and you will receive the results through an SMS text message.

This message will either inform you that your results are negative, in which case you can continue as normal, or announce that you have tested positive for chlamydia. If this is the case, do not panic – TESTDTM will provide advice on how to proceed, and a single course of antibiotics will usually clear up the issue. You will, however, be expected to inform any sexual partners from the previous six months that you have tested positive so they can do the same.

Chlamydia is a problem that plagues a great many young people in the modern world, and it is strongly advisable to undertake regular sexual health checks to ensure that you do not add to these statistics, With the low cost and high convenience offered by TESTDTM‘s home chlamydia testing kits, it is easier than ever to stay safe.


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